Easter, Spring Air, New Hope
Small Decorations for Easter I'm feeling relaxed, as Easter day winds down. It was a beautiful day, with sunshine, birds singing and people out walking. On the lawn, next to my apartment were two people sitting on the hill, reading, with their backs against their book bags. I felt like tiptoeing past them, so I wouldn't disturb their serenity. They obviously were a smart man and woman, taking advantage of the warmth and the fresh, spring air. Earlier this morning it was rainy and dark. There were several umbrellas moving along the sidewalks. I made a plan to be early for the St. Mary Student Parish Mass. Being new, I didn't predict "How" early was early. There was no seating left, a half hour before the service. I did find a place along the wall with several other people. I looked around and decided I didn't need to stay and stand throughout the service. I walked out and gave the money I was go...