
I found this poem Elizabeth had written when she was in her teens.  There was no date on it.   I fell in love with it.  She never showed it to me.  I came across it yesterday, when I was putting some of her things away.  I asked her if it was okay for me to post it on my blog.  She didn't want to me to read it to her or give her a chance to edit it. (It didn't need editting, anyway) She just said, "Sure, go ahead."  I added these pictures I thought would fit.  Thank you, Elizabeth for sharing your gift.

         by Elizabeth DeLuca

I've often wanted to live in a moment.                                                                     
Lock it up tight and be in it forever.
And when forever is done,
I'd put it in a locket, as a songbird in a cage.
And it would sing to me, whenever I wanted that "forever" again.

I'd steal many moments from the old miser,
who controls the pendulum in propelling the sun,
with his long chilling fingers,
                                White bony knuckles.
                                        Clutching those moments.
Snatching those moments as they arrive.

My lockets I'd keep in a strong, cedar box.
I could always smell spring for the very first time-
                                 Damp earth.
Hear the first breath of a blossoming flower-
                                         Soft whisper.

Always warm hugs and never goodbyes.
                                 The shout of victory.
A peaceful surrender with moss-tuft pillows.

But my locket-like clouds are just out of reach.
I have no capsule to envelope time.
And when I meet a strong cedar box, I'll lock it up tight and be in it forever.
                                Cedar forever.
So, I live my moments forever,
in the instant they're there.
                                         Living in the moments forever.


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