Easter, Spring Air, New Hope

Small Decorations for Easter

I'm feeling relaxed, as Easter day winds down.  It was a beautiful day, with sunshine, birds singing and people out walking.  On the lawn, next to my apartment were two people sitting on the hill, reading, with their backs against their book bags.  I felt like tiptoeing past them, so I wouldn't disturb their serenity.  They obviously were a smart man and woman, taking advantage of the warmth and the fresh, spring air.

Earlier this morning it was rainy and dark.  There were several umbrellas moving along the sidewalks.  I made a plan to be early for the St. Mary Student Parish Mass.  Being new,  I didn't predict "How" early was early.  There was no seating left, a half hour before the service.  I did find a place along the wall with several other people.  I looked around and decided I didn't need to stay and stand throughout the service.  I walked out and gave the money I was going to put in the church basket, to a veteran outside on the sidewalk, asking for donations for his papers. 

He walked up to me, when he saw I was digging in my wallet for some money.  He said, "The Catholics must be smarter than the Methodists, they were the ones who brought umbrellas."  
I smiled at him and replied, "Or the Catholics have less faith."  
He smiled. "I won't even go there," he said and thanked me for the donation.

I was happy to get home to finish getting my apartment ready for company.  Heidi and her girlfriend, Megan, came for Easter dinner.  Excited to have them over, I planned the meal to be simple, nutritious, and tasty.  Heidi was planning on making rice pudding for dessert.  It wasn't like any of my past Easter dinners.  No potatoes, ham, fancy salads or fuss.  I planned a hearty salad with several kinds of greens, bean sprouts, carrots, green peppers, mushrooms, tomatoes, artichokes, pickled beets, olives, and feta.  On top of it I put chicken pieces, cooked in olive oil and onions.  I served it with a multi-grain bread, I found at Whole Foods.  Heidi forgot to bring the rice pudding.  We were thankful she didn't bring it.  We had plenty of chocolates, jelly beans, malt balls and licorice bites to sample.

Little Bunny,  Next to Sketch of Elephant,  by Heidi

I had wine for the occasion, but they both chose to have tea. I didn't have very much wine, so it was just as well they preferred to have tea.

I gave the chilled bottle, I had ready for dinner, to a young man who helped carry my heavy portable air-conditioner up three flights of stairs, to my apartment.  I admit, it was difficult to ask for help.  I contemplated sitting on the stoop with the heavy box until Heidi and Megan arrived.  I contemplated pushing it up the stairs, step by step.  I had already tried using my trolley to get it up the steps.  It was a struggle.  A strong voice inside my head, warned me,  "You're going to hurt yourself, and you're already getting physical therapy for your hip, don't add any more problems." 

A Heavy Addition to My Home

I let about five couples walk by, without asking for help.  I paced awhile, outside, on the sidewalk.  Sat by the box, on the bottom of the steps.  Almost called Heidi to come a bit early to help me.  Then, I remembered one of the items on my "How to Build a Community" chart, (by Karen Kerney).  "Ask for help when you need it."  Sounds easy?  It's a hard one for me. But, I've learned from forcing myself to do  it, that it usually ends up being a boost for my faith in humanity.  This time was no exception.  The young man was sweet, helpful and didn't hesitate to pitch in.  He turned down the bottle of wine twice, but when I handed it to him from the refrigerator, he thanked me with a huge smile as he left.  

Poster Inside My Closet Door-
Gift from My Friend, Nancy Evans
New beginnings.  New season.  New hope.


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