Recovered Ice Skate
Ice Skate Begins the tale..... I posted a story earlier today. The beginning of the story came to me when I found an old Victorian-era ice skate while snorkeling yesterday. I found it by a big rock in Lake Huron. It was embedded in a few rocks and I had no idea what it was until it finally came loose. I'm a romantic, and I immediately began to imagine a story to go with the old thing. I don't normally tell people what I'm conjuring up as stories, but I often make them up just the same. A few weeks ago my niece, Jenna and nephew, Brendan, went to the rocky shore with me. They were up north from the city for a couple of weeks. We were looking down in the rocks and I found an old earring. It was all rusted and bent. I started a dramatic story with Jenna about how the girl who owned the earring died. It started with the girl's boyfriend ripping her earring off and then killing her. (That's why we only found one earring) As Jenna...