Brother's Upnorth Coffee Roasters

Brittany working alone on a busy Saturday.
I'm sitting in Brother's in Gaylord.  The music---it's always good, like the coffee.

Brittany is behind the counter cleaning things up.  They close at 4 p.m. on Sat. now.  It's 3:45. Wow, I will ever miss knowing this place is here.  It's an oasis.  I'm sipping on a huge yellow cup of chai.  The foam is still showing on the surface and I'm almost done.

My favorite is the Mocha, but it's too late for the caffeine, I only slept a few hours last night.  The wifi here gives me a chance to check my e-mail and keep in touch.

I ordered some roasted coffee beans to pick up tomorrow.  I told Heidi I would get her some before Brother's closes their door for good in about a week.

A lot of hugs were given and received in this place over the years and they combined well with the hot coffee, scones, muffins, teas and the excellent staff working here.  I've always felt welcome and at home here.  It's a sad goodbye I will have to give to this peaceful resting place on Main Street, (M-32) in Gaylord.

Familiar countertop- scones and muffins behind the glass


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