One Step Back Two Forward

It is not a terrible thing that we feel fear when faced with the unknown. It is part of being alive, something we all share. Pema Chädrön I realized the other day when I attempted a selfie, I couldn’t smile. The frozen-face of sadness just sat there. I tried a couple clicks and looked at me in the photo. So, I remedied it when I opened up a video of my grandson swaying to Nat King Cole’s rich voice singing “Unforgettable”. It gave me an instant genuine smile. This snuck up on me. Boy, I needed to step back and settle in with this sadness. Let it tell me what it needed from me. I was out of touch with myself and didn’t see it coming. Have you ever had the fear if you start to cry you may never stop? It’s not realistic, right? But, at the time it feels so real. So possible. I have learned from experience I can allow myself to let the tears fall and it’s not a forever thing. Unless I walk through those melancholy parts of life, cry, touch them, and acknowledge them, I stay off-balan...