Who am I?

I am a rock. Hard, heavy. Fearless.

Honestly, I’m a soft step into dry, golden sand.

I pulsate life.

I yield and shift to who I am with each step.

I am love. Poised and ready.

Well…parts of me draw inward, my gate can be closed. 

I am my wants.

How I live is my "I am".

I am a Great Lake. 

I flow deep, fresh water.

Smooth to rough, warm to cold.

Winter to Summer.

I am not afraid of my layers.

I know what rivers flow into me.

I am sunrise on a cold and frosty morning.

Rising warm and ready to melt away fears and tears.

Slowly, steadily, dependably.

Dispelling aloneness with my rays of hopefulness.

I am a needy heart, a bleeding heart too.

I am kind.

I am giver. 

I am a Winnie the Pooh.

Blundering in speech, with made up words.

I am fun. I am laughter.

I am voice.

Strong in song and speech

I resonate from my heart and soul.

I am failure. 

I am prideful. 

I am shovel. 

I dig for my worth. 

I toss aside decayed dirt and dig deeper.

I push down the blade to do the work.

I am the branch from an enormous family trunk.

I am the branch from an immense human trunk.

I am grateful.

All nutrients passed along to me help me be strong.

I am strong.

I was inspired by Manish Misra-Marzetti's talk on Easter morning at the First Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Ann Arbor. His talk was hopeful without ignoring painful realities. It wasn't an easy exercise to write about "I am".  

https://www.youtube.com/live/6bUsV_Vv6f8?feature=share go to 27:30 on the video to hear Manish speak.


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