Silenced by My Hesitation

“Who are you? A distance voice questions me. Inner-Me shutters from the sound. No time to think. If my reply isn’t instant it becomes relentless, “Who are you?!” The tone is clear. I feel its judgement. I cower in shame. My insecurities awaken. I force myself to remember, It’s me who gives it the key used to unlock my ear. The power I give away pushes me down. Bullies me into submission. I’ve ordained it Master! My willingness to yield to society’s norms, bar-lines and expectations, Places the crown neatly on its head. The instant it gains power, My strength and convictions waiver. I feel silenced from my hesitation. The more I look outside myself for control, The stronger my fear becomes, I sanction its invasiveness. And slowly begins my suffocation. My inner voice hides, dormant, in the shadows. Me withholding has left it un-nurtured, neglected. Me, the only ear...