I'm Precious and So is Time

It doesn’t just terrorize the city, state, province or country. It terrorizes the world. Whether it comes from fear, hate or hopelessness inside someone, if it’s not communicated, shared and resolved within humanity, it spouts up to destroy. For me it destroys my faith, my confidence, my serenity. I have a hard time concentrating and being focused on my day to day life when terror and destruction seeps in. We are all watching. It’s impossible not to witness the death, fear, and destruction. It’s hard not to feed into the fear. When I see people get hurt or wounded or even hear about it I want to help. I want to heal them in some way. It sounds righteous, but I mean it more in a way of comfort for those who have lost someone. Helping to heal the heart of someone who had their life (as they knew it), stripped away by the death of a loved one. Or maybe many loved ones. Ataturk Airport- June 2016 ...