
Showing posts from February, 2015

Pokemon in German

Holden's Elementary School Version of  Pokemon  I never thought I'd ever hear my son sing "Pokemon"! With such enthusiasm AND in German! He promised in his "Top-Surgery" campaign and when he promises something, he delivers!! His post on gender identity in public service: Very helpful Holden DJ-ing  At WCBN in Ann Arbor

I Know So Little About You...

What your favorite chair is, where you stand to look out the window when you’re thinking. When you were a child what did you imagine yourself to be when you grew up? What is your favorite spot in the whole world? Where would you go to hide if you could get away for a week?  A no-strings-attached week.  No one would ask you where you’re going or where you’ve been.  Would you go alone? If you could do something beyond what your body or mind would let you, what would it be?  Would it be dangerous or something your fear has kept you from doing?     El Condor Pasa If you had a choice, where would you want to be when you die?  Who would you want next to you, to hold your hand until the end? What is the hardest secret you’ve ever had to keep about someone? Or about yourself? Whose forgiveness has been the hardest for you to ask for?  Who do you wish wo...

Valentine's Day Loneliness

Image I’m looking out my dirty window and the sun isn’t disappointing me.  It’s warm and full of energy. I’ll be staying inside. It’s thirty below zero (windchill).  I feel it in the floors, kitchen counter tiles, and from the walls. I hear the heater kick on over and over. Mother Nature wins on a wintery day like this.  It feels cold. I keep picking up my coffee to drink, before it cools. Yesterday, I was out walking on Valentine’s Day. It was bitter cold and blizzard-white.  I felt safer walking than in a car, though.  Being blinded walking is easier to navigate than at the wheel.  I stopped walking, to re-adjust my long, teal scarf (so I could cover my face) and I almost lost control of it.  I had to spin around to get the wind to whip it back to me.   I confess, I love the cold.  I feel alive to my bones, but I was SO glad to get home out of the weather! ...

I Have a Lot to Learn--Age Doesn't Equal Smart

There isn’t a minute of our waking or sleeping we don’t communicate.  Images, directions, memories, texting, phone calls, e-mails, talking or thinking.    It might be a text, “Where are you?” An email titled “Last Chance To…” Or the sound of an automated-voice-message on the phone, “This is Doctor So and So’s office, reminding you….”   We all have instant language responses set off by communication triggers. The sound of an incoming text seems to have the ability to demand communication from us. "Crap!  Now what?" A knock on the door, "Who is that?"   A honk of a horn, "WHAT?!!" A whisper between two people you know, "What don't they want me to know, geez?" The minute you walk in the door from work, “Mom, can I…?” y our teenager starts with a question. Or as you’re putting your head on the pillow, at night, your spouse asks, “Can we talk about…?” It’s rare to watch or hear a current news event being covered, ...

Bias and Bigotry

I know that rotten fish-smell, while walking along the beach. An odor I want to vanquish, when it’s just within my reach. I can’t find or see it,  It’s hidden, but I know it’s real. It dampers my beach-tranquillity, A peacefulness I long to feel. Like racial bias or bigotry, infiltrating our social space. It gives a putrid stench, while covering up a face. A face of ignornace and prejudice, A face of ignited fear. A face of an aggressive bully, positioning to domineer.                       It’s hard to find or see it,  It hides behind a smile. An offensive slur or joke, can put us off awhile. A damper to hopefulness,   for a quality coexistence. It’s not an impossible task, but needs strong resistance. Take off the mask and name it,                  give...