Remedies and "Geçmiş Olsun"
What Better Photo Than of Children Playing? (Countryside of Taraklı ) I've often said, "There's so much to write about". But what? What could I write about that would interest readers? I have to admit, if I think too much about my readers' interests and curiosity, I'm not able to write. I'm as frozen as a fisherman in January, out on a drifting ice flow, watching the shore get further and further away. I guess that's why I love to write. I have to write for myself. From myself. I spend a good amount of time alone. It helps me write. I can be laying on the floor, finished with my yoga and don't always feel compelled to get up. I might look out the window, look at the ceiling, and even get distracted by a black bug crawling on the wall. I'm thinking. Pondering the many "Whys" as they creep into my mind. Before I know it, I'm off into another world. This morning, ...