Frankfurt Airport

First of MANY Puzzles to Piece Together
(Which country, which flight, which time, which gate, which terminal)

I've made it to Frankfurt.  I've been up many hours, setting the alarm early to get my body acclimated as best I can for Istanbul-Time. 

See the Bayer Sign?
(It's about 40 ft. tall hanging in from 2nd floor to the first)

Lounging Travelers
(I was about to join them!)

I love to travel on Lufthansa.  The service is exceptional (and the food).  I had red wine after we departed Detroit. Elizabeth talked me into ordering ahead, on-line, which makes it even nicer, if you order the special "vegetarian".  You're the first one to get served, because it's a special order.  It's delicious, fresh and just enough food to feel satisfied.  I had a mushroom noodle dish with zucchini and eggplant, sprinkled with grated parmesan cheese.  It came with a small serving of apples, a strawberry and small cuts of pineapple.  With it was a whole wheat roll and a wedge of cheddar cheese. 

Kiosks for Lufthansa Airlines
(Another "What do I do?" adventure)

My layover in Frankfurt is for three hours. It's a good amount of time, but if you have to make a connection, it's important to leave plenty of time.  Unless you can sprint without worries.  The airport is so huge, taking my time was even a long walk.  I was glad to find out I was in the right terminal so I didn't have to take the shuttle train to another part of the airport.  I watch other people quite a bit to see if I can pick up any hints to make things easier.  If they mess up, I take note of it, too.  

I enjoy traveling.  I have to be alert and know where all my things are, but it's fun.  I enjoy listening to languages from all over the world and watching people.  It's a challenge to go through customs, and security checks and I get better each time I do it.  There's always something new I haven't experienced before.  

It's usually the technology!  Again, I watch people and see if I can figure it out.  It's much easier if there isn't a frustrated line behind me.  It doesn't help my brain work, at all to have people sighing and fidgeting.  If it does happen, I ignore it and try to focus.  I deserve a place in line, too.  Just because I'm a little obsessive on double-checking details, doesn't mean I'm useless.

The "Smoking Rooms" are a new to me.  You can see the yellowish color and the trust in Camel cigarettes on the sign.  The little boy on the left gets a lesson without having to even enroll in the class.

Smoking Rooms at Frankfurt Airport

The Windows Aren't the Only Thing Yellow!

This airplane looks like it's in the grass.  It was painted on the hallway wall, as I walked and walked and toted and toted my luggage.  I wanted to share it with you.

Painting On Frankfurt Airport Hallway

I Watched Travelers Buy at Duty Free Store,
(As I sat in a cafe, during my layover)


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