Goblins Hate Patience

My Passport and Turkish Tea

I have so much to write about and it has caused the "Anti-Author Goblins" to play tricks with my patience.  Each time I think I'll be able to write, and post something, they get their little hands and minds together and mess things up.

First it was the internet.  They made sure I couldn't get good reception for the internet from the moment I landed in Turkey.  I'd like to meet their master-minded leader.  She's probably tired of making her little goblins do the standard type of mischief.

Maybe That's Why Cats Are Taken Care of So Well in Turkey
(to keep away the Goblins)

Man Feeding a Stray Cat
(While Waiting for Customers to Buy Lotto Tickets)

Like waiting for a human to almost finish a project and then scoop it up and lose it in cyberspace.  Or the common practice they have of  copying pictures multiple times instead of just once.  I hate when they decide to get their noses into the spell check.  They must think it's really humorous to put the word ass instead of ask, or stupid instead of stupor.  They know writers skim when they edit.  They're counting on this to embarrass writers, maybe even make them quit writing entirely.

When I arrived in Turkey they started their games.  I couldn't access internet consistently anywhere I went.  They got into my hard-drive and made sure none of my  access codes were saved.  One time, it even offered me twenty internet sites to open.  Not one of them the site the hotel had given me for the internet.  I was being patient.  I figured, "I'm not here for three weeks to worry about posting.  I'll do it when it works".  

So Much to Write About-Pazar in Iznik
Old Husband & Wife Selling Slabs of Their Goat Cheese

Chestnuts Roasted Ready to Eat

Police Ready For Protests

Musicians Ready for Listeners

These mean little Goblins hate patience.  It irks them and causes them to really get their minds working.  At one hotel in Eskişehir, the hotel manager claimed he had to have ten people a day go on the internet, for him to be able to keep offering it to his customers.  He didn't have enough usage, so it wasn't available while I was there for three days.  Would anyone disagree the Goblins had gotten to him before I got there?

In a little village called Cumalıkızık, no internet available to visitors.  I don't think the Goblins conspired in this case,  but I was suspicious.  

Village Woman Knitting on the Street in Small Village

When I arrived in Frankfurt on my return trip from Turkey, I knew I'd been targeted!  I had a three hour layover and couldn't wait to get some writing completed and add a few pictures to my blogpost.  When I went through security and opened my bag to get out my laptop, it wasn't there.  It was left at Ataturk Airport, in Turkey.  

You might be thinking, "She's delusional!  No way would the Goblins interfere to such extreme extent."  But, I don't put it past them.  It doesn't pay to be patient and make those brats angry.  Good thing they couldn't stop me from writing in my journal during my trip.  If I hadn't, I probably would have given up on my writing and made them happy.

My Three Journals, for Three Weeks of Writing About Turkey

My laptop is gone.  I'll never see it again.  My being an author will not disappear.  I am a writer for life.  No creepy Goblins are going to make me put away my pen, my keyboard or my journals.  I'll find a way.  (I hope they're listening)

I had to purchase another laptop yesterday.  I'll start fresh.  The hours I spent editing pictures and writing will have to be sacrificed.  The blood has been spilled, but I won't look back with regret or ahead with fear.  If my car broke down I'd have to spend the money to get it running again.  The same goes with my laptop.  It's one of my tools in being an author.  I can't proceed without it.

Will I lobby against the "Anti-Author Goblins"?  No, I just want you to be aware of their infiltrations.  They can take a grown person down.   Don't let them.  Keep writing.  Or if you aren't writing?  Please start.  They'll be so overwhelmed with writers.  They'll end up not having any control.

I've jumped this hurdle.  I'll be posting this in a few minutes.  But, I have a question for my readers.  Have any of you heard of the "Nazi Cell-Phone Elves?"  

I didn't think anything would get me to purchase a "Smart" phone.  After this trip (and the trouble I had, NOT having a "Smart" phone), I'm wondering.  I will be getting an iPhone in a few days.  Could they have caused all the problems in order to get me to abandon my old phone?  Or will my new iPhone be the beginning of having another nightmare with Little Folk.

Patience, patience…..I'm sure, the only defense is patience.

My New Computer, My Old Phone


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