They Don't Slip Away (Less than 2 min. read)
Pic by Holden |
I love my children.
It takes my breath away
Literally---I gasp.
Their bravery.
Strength in spite of setbacks.
Life’s Inevitable heartbreaks.
Altering so many trajectories.
A small rudder tug.
Another. Another.
Steadfast in their search for meaning.
They take a look at the big picture for truth and lies,
Back to the smallest of details.
They interlace their magic
With threads of love.
To those right next to them.
And further to those unforgotten desperate souls.
My heart bulges.
Gratitude for their existence helps me live my life.
Girds me up —- shields me.
I find I can muffle bad news about humanity.
And evil I can’t stomach,
Because of this bond.
I love my children.
They live in stringent, unyielding, frigid societies.
They have to paw through the dirt, like dogs.
Trying to get deep enough
to be able to crawl under the fences they face.
My children are adults.
Does it matter if I know them?
I trust them. I love them.
They trust and love me.
Oh for anything more rich than this you couldn’t name.
They live their lives.
Encompass me in those lives when it’s right.
We re-bond, fill up our flat tires.
Restore and part again.
They don’t slip away,
They store away in the core of my heart.
Till again we meet.
Holden and Liz |
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