Aloud to My Four Walls

 (2.5min read)

After I write— I edit so much I don’t really consider it to be writing just editing.  That
 can be a problem. It’s the “work” part of writing. If I categorize it as “work” in my mind, then I’m more likely to avoid the damn thing altogether and I wouldn’t be happy with my writing as it stands alone—-without editing.

The thing about “work” -- it's a dichotomy:

  1. Work—-pain in the ass, no fun, avoid at all costs-I’m a child for god’s sake!
  2. Work—feels so good to complete this, I love being in the moment with something I’m good at and see actual progress.

At times I feel like editing is never done. No wonder writers don’t get published. They never see a piece complete. So doing the “work” is like swinging from branch to branch like a squirrel who hopes to either find a mate or a piece of hidden food—continually.

I have a “Pen to Paper” goal each morning. It helps me feel less inclined to write in my small, brown chair too long so when I try to stand up I can’t! My joints are cemented.

Ideally, I write for an hour or so and save. When I return to it later in the day or the next “Pen to Paper” time, I look at it with my eyelids open and I clarify or delete things needed to make me feel I’m understood.  I want my reader to finish the piece. It’s good practice for me to say more in less words anyway-always.

Why do I post a finished piece? Because I think my readers could possibly enjoy my perspective on things. Maybe they see my thoughts as a small snowflake that has landed on their arm. They glance at it closely before brushing it off and continuing with their day. 

Maybe my readers take pause. Being curious is known to give us a bit of a dopamine as a pat on the back. It gives us the possibility of being open to new experiences. 

When I write I get the dose of dopamine, too. I’m don’t feel so alone. I feel engaged with something more than myself. Making music makes me feel more connected, too. It’s something I create, give freely and feel a link to others.

My last blog post was longer than I wanted. I told a story and if I had waited to share another week, it would have been in my iCloud saved, not posted. I know why writers put “3 min. Read” before a piece. I’ve seen some that say “11 min. Read” and I move on to something else unless it’s snagged my curiosity. 

So, I’ve decided to time my pieces. I normally share my writing aloud with my four walls before I post anyway.  The walls kinda like it, especially on these cloudy days when they don’t get a lot of sunshine interaction.


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