From Here...Where?
Brevort Lake I’ve written about transitions before. I’ve had some rocky adjustments, as with anyone, they’re just included in living our lives. This latest transition in our government shot up warning flags for me. Seeing this new president as a leader feels like a threat to my safety and to those I love. I ought to be pretty good at transitions. I taught first grade for over three decades. Every calendar year I had a new crew of children. Rarely was I able to pick a student to be in my class. There were new administrators, new school boards, new curriculums. I adjusted. It was a job I loved. Each event in my children’s lives brought transition practice. I had to succeed power to them as they grew and developed. It was a never-ending evolution in my thinking. It started day one. My ability to transition broadened. Well…until my husband, Harry died. This transition took years to navigate. No prior experience seemed to help me and at the time it was a huge stretch to trust others ...