Naturally Alone

We aren't taught how to be alone. Or to value solitude. I think we acquire the skills by trial and error, if we do at all. It's certainly underplayed. Yes, one of our basic human needs is to belong. The ideals are clear our entire life: “Family” “Community” “Relationships” We had to belong or we wouldn’t have survived as an infant. Until some of those constructs break down by inevitable changes like moving, death, divorce and disasters, our small world is with a group of others. We learn the language, how to navigate the spaces and we learn to cooperate with family and learn the standards . We’re in this eggshell. An egg sloshing around inside, safe and contained. We’re not alone. Until the shell cracks or breaks apart. But, that’s the thing. We are alone in that eggshell. We’re with our own self every minute, hour, and second of the day. We’re confined in a way being molded by those we are with. We’re led to believe our handlers will keep us saf...