My Superpower

Did I show you the electrified sparkles on the snow last night?

Mesmerized I felt I could follow through their mysterious door to middle earth.

Their contract with the moon is to for them to create a stage.

The moon's charismatic presence steals the show of course.

Did I show you how milkweed feathers take flight in subzero weather?

They light up in the sun as the wind takes them.

Like daylight-stars, floating and disappearing over black rooftops.

Sometimes leafless trees in winter creep me out.

Have I told you they get morbid and lonely in winter?

I see their vivid shadow-snow-dance.

Like they’re eager for me to follow suit and disappear.

“Let me enjoy winter!” I tell them. (without looking up)

Did you know my love has super powers?

It leaps tall, red-brick buildings.

It can hold its breath for such a long, long time.

It knows every language man has made.

Which includes silence.

These magical things aren’t easy to explain.

Oh…if only you could see what I see.

Feel how I feel. 

But then you would miss your fair chance of curiosity, wonder and possibly unease.

Maybe by telling you it will make you stop and listen 

when the wind hires an orchestra.

I can’t explain the terror of driving through a herd of deer, not hitting any.

Or how I crossed the Mackinac in a blinding snowstorm.

How I felt the undertow pull me under but managed to stay calm.

But, I can show you my love for you.

That is not a mystery.

There are no magical ingredients waiting to fizz and dazzle.

Just my superpower.


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