My Soulmate

I have trouble with the primitive idea we search for our Soulmate. Please imagine with me the thought of a search. We’d have to have a picture of what a Soulmate is or a formula to follow. Or we may have to wait for a sign from a deity. We wouldn’t have freedom to change the criteria over time. If we did it might throw off the magic or sacredness of a perfect match. With society’s pressure we may believe we aren’t capable and need help in this search. Perhaps society knows the criteria for Soulmate or has a hand in choosing. “Oh, you make such a perfect couple!” “Don’t they look good together?” “This match is made in heaven!” Consider cultures that still have a mate chosen by elders or parents? Can we expect divine help in our choice? I have loved. I have been with mates that have made me surge in happy. Some have died. They chewed off a chunk of my heart. Ones who are still alive and not with me are losses. They also have sliced off fragments of my heart. Well…if t...