
We do not need magic to change the world, we carry all the power we need inside ourselves already: we have the power to imagine better.” - J.K. Rowling Have you ever tried to untangle the headphones that come with an iPhone? They have rubbery, stick-to-each-other quality in the wire coating. No matter how nicely I put them away, when I need them they’re all tangled. I’m dumbstruck at how I keep reaching for them. Yesterday when I tried to untangle them before my walk, it made me think of how I do the same thing with some of my old thinking. Old strategies I reach for even when they don’t work for me anymore (or never did). They aren’t useful and cause a lot of stress. I want to share two of them. * SILENCE * I’ve learned this one well…when I want to talk to someone about something they said or did that has caused me pain or discomfort I let it slide. I clam up. It doesn’t work out issues with another person. Frankly, it’s not very respectful of another to not tell them what has c...