
Showing posts from January, 2021

Correspondence With Snowflake

  Dear Happy Little Snowflake, I have some questions for you. ( I’ve been watching you outside my window the last few days) l.   How does it feel to float around so carefree? 2. How do you just drift with the wind? 3. How is it possible not to worry about viruses? Fondly, Your Friend,   Maggie Snowfall in Berlin Dear Maggie, It’s creepy you’ve been watching me. (Just saying) I’m a simple snowflake so I thought I was invisible to your world. I’m always hearing about how horrible we are and how people want to sweep us away, plow us over, pee on us or simply leave and go south. Thank you for writing, though, I’m sorry for your loss since Covid-19. To answer your questions…when I’m floating with the wind senses take over. The cold (as I like it best) makes sounds muffled, I fall with a wet, crisp taste of being a snowflake. Each day I transform into a new design. A new entity. I am aware of my priceless freedom. I will miss my window of time if I don’t cherish each hour, each...


I’ve wanted to write lately. But, I’ve stopped myself so many times. I finally felt desperate enough to slap myself across my avoidance-face today. To see what my mind thinks it can shield me from.   My mind is sly. It’s good at evading at all costs. But, what have I been slithering away from? What thoughts? What emotions? It’s been like Pong* of the 70s. With each bounce it challenges me, “Are you there yet? I’ll be back.” My mind-trickery helps me believe I’m immune to thoughts and feelings when I avoid.   When I let the words come out I realize why I've stopped myself. The minute I let my fingers touch the keyboard this morning shame and fear dangle in front of me. They felt they needed to remind me I’ve dodged the virus-hardball, for now. S hame judges me harshly for side-stepping loss. Loss of a job, health, a loved one, a home, an income. Hope, faith, sanity. Fear wants to graciously help me control “Future”. To know what the unknowns are — - — - ---- -- --- -  ev...