Memory Banks-Meant for Deposit and to Draw From

Mask and Scarf Ready!

I miss the Huron Hills Lapidary & Mineral Society (HHLMS.-based in Ann Arbor) I began writing a few days ago to submit an article to the "Facets" which is a monthly publication for members in Ann Arbor.

Many events have been cancelled for rock and mineral enthusiasts, like with most other group events right now. But, it doesn't mean we can't do the solo-venture out to get some exercise.

Lake Huron Near Straits of Mackinac
Some Fossils Are Like Fine Pieces of Art

Lake Huron is very close to where I’m living for now, in the Upper Peninsula. When I walk I feel the draw to the shore. It’s not just magnetic, it’s more like a strong nuclear force. It was my playground as a kid and I still feel like a kid when I'm there.

I Don't Just Stop at Fossils and Seaglass
I skip stones. I still stare mesmerized at the horizon and always am on the hunt for the perfect fossil. I also look for beach glass and smooth rocks to use for creating my “Give away” rocks for friends and family (And for strangers who may find them. 

I recently drove up to Whitefish Point (Paradise, MI) to escape isolation, exercise, take photos and look for agates.

It was weird being up there this time of year and not see bird-watching enthusiasts. I guess their events and group trips have also been put on the shelf for now.

Waves this time of year on Lake Superior are loud, strong and icy-cold. I prefer to be up there before the black flies and mosquitos. I don’t mind the cold. Very few people were on the beach and they were distancing. Restrooms were closed but being a Yooper it's not a problem.

Very Calm For Lake Superior
I found some beautiful agates, and had the entire day to explore. My best luck was near large trees embedded half in the water and half on shore. The waves seem to give extra attention to these areas and a lot of splashing goes on over these trees. This makes it easy to strategically sit on the trunk (to avoid getting drenched) while searching in a little pool of water to see the vibrant colors. 

Early in the rock-hunting season the neck, shoulders and hips can only take the punishment of so many hours of bending over in search of agates. Sitting seems to give the body enough of a break to get back to standing and stooping again.

I was conservative on picture-taking because of my fear of using up my battery while outside all day. Cell phone reception is about nil up there. I would be able to see a message from my mom if she needed me.

I walked as far as I possibly could down the beach on the high ridge of sand, away from the shore, first, to get the exercise. Then I searched on my return. I knew I was less likely to share the shore if I was a good ways away from the entrance by the Whitefish Point Lighthouse. 

I ate my cold baked chicken and biscuits with plenty of fluids when I got back in my vehicle. I was glad I took my mom’s advice to bring another pair of shoes and socks in the event my shoes got wet. I couldn’t wait to peel off those wet socks and get something dry on.

It’s almost as much fun to show Mom all the finds when I return home as it is in finding them. I sent a few pictures to my children. I wish they could feel and breathe that clean air, hear the roar of the waves and feel the freezing cold on their feet from Lake Superior. I hope they have past trips to Lake Superior packed in their memory-banks to draw from. Agates are just icing on the cake.


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