Memory Banks-Meant for Deposit and to Draw From

Mask and Scarf Ready! I miss the Huron Hills Lapidary & Mineral Society (HHLMS.-based in Ann Arbor) I began writing a few days ago to submit an article to the "Facets" which is a monthly publication for members in Ann Arbor. Many events have been cancelled for rock and mineral enthusiasts, like with most other group events right now. But, it doesn't mean we can't do the solo-venture out to get some exercise. Lake Huron Near Straits of Mackinac Some Fossils Are Like Fine Pieces of Art Lake Huron is very close to where I’m living for now, in the Upper Peninsula. When I walk I feel the draw to the shore. It’s not just magnetic, it’s more like a strong nuclear force. It was my playground as a kid and I still feel like a kid when I'm there. I Don't Just Stop at Fossils and Seaglass I skip stones. I still stare mesmerized at the horizon and always am on the hunt for the perfect fossil. I also look for beach glass and smo...