A Personal Wrestling Match

Losing someone you love seems utterly impossible, inconceivable. Our minds can’t understand the possibility. Our hearts definitely don’t. My friend recently lost a close friend. He knew his friend was failing. But, death is another thing entirely. It’s final. A void we can’t fill. When they’re gone there’s no chance anyone can take their place. So we grieve. We’re forced to process the fact our loved one isn’t coming back. It affects our present, past and future. We reminisce about a time when they were still with us. We can’t share those memories we made together. Future events which we’ve fondly thought about sharing with them aren’t going to happen. It’s a very personal path we take to grieve. We try to accept comfort from those who love us. Sometimes distractions seem to ease the pain. But when we look inward, it’s still there, it’s still really hard. Compassion is always welcome. Advice on how or when to grieve isn’t helpful. I...