Living Life

Mackinac Bridge in Winter

I headed up north this week (on my birthday, actually) after I picked up my sister, Jeannie from the airport in Detroit.  


Jeannie felt she wanted to be with Mom at her appointment with the heart specialist the following day. Other family members weren’t available to be there and she was right, it did make Mom feel supported.  Mom is more than able to get herself to her appointments, but it felt good to be there.

She was referred because of a problematic heart murmur. It’s was a brilliant idea to be there at her appointment because we were able to hear all the positive feedback from the specialist and be with Mom. 

Dr. Levanovich was thorough.  He sketched out the heart, described what was going on with Mom’s heart and illustrated what could have been a worrisome murmur and how he didn’t feel she fit the various problem categories. 

She’s ninety-two so her heart is not young. Her lifestyle keeps her out of the problem area.  I know I’m not the only person who thinks she’s inspirational.


Mom aging is something she has to deal with more frequently than any of her children.  Yes, we’re aging too, but each decade she lives brings her closer to the end of life. My sister and I didn’t go to her appointment with her because we didn’t feel she’d be able to process the information.  We went to show love and support for a stressful appointment. (which had the possibility of having very different outcomes)  

She is very independent. She’s worked hard for her independence and knows first-hand how aging can strip you of your independence. She has seen her husband, many friends and most of her siblings reach the end of their lives. 

Life is fragile, but it can withstand a lot of living.  And that is just what Mom is doing.  She’s living her life. She questioned the doctor about what a heart like hers could cause for future medical problems and loss of quality of life.

He told her it would be a good way to go. I know his answer may sound harsh. But, we were so thankful for a doctor who would answer Mom’s questions just as frankly as she presented the questions. 

None of us have any absolutes on what will be our end of life.  Or when it will occur.  Every day we have chance to make informed decisions about how we take care of our body and mind. Those decisions affects our quality of life now and in the future. 

Jeannie and Me Soaking Up the Cold and WInd

Our choices affects those who love us, too.  I appreciate Mom taking care of her mind and body. Time is a priceless gift. We all love her no-bake chocolate cookies.  But cookies can be replaced. Mom can’t. She’s one of kind and we all still have a lot to learn from her.


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