Groomed for Life?

When I was a teacher in a small, rural town, Atlanta, I spent many hours on snow-covered, dangerous roads to commute from Gaylord.  I remember I left early-morning to get to school in order to avoid the buses in Otsego and Montmorency county on the way.  (which included buses from three different school systems) 

If I didn’t plan ahead, I had to spend extra time on the road. And the danger of slippery roads increased with the buses.

Image result for images of snow on roads in Montmorency county, Michigan

Today, when I drove back from the Upper Peninsula, I thought about the experience I acquired from navigating those curvy, hilly roads on M-32 in all kinds of weather (watching out for wildlife at the same time).

It was dark and bitter cold this morning when I left for Pellston to drop off my sister for her flight back to Tennessee. There was light, blowing snow and I took Mill Road across to I-75 to head south.

Image result for snow in Pellston, Michigan

Those small roads don’t have the markers highways do and I saw no one until I reached the I-75. When heavy snow did hit, I knew to slow down.  I started seeing cars in the ditch I realized my past had groomed me for traveling in weather like today.

It made me think. “What else has my past learning groomed me for?” 

Maybe when I struggle with something in life, it is grooming me for things in the future. I never like to hear, “It’s a learning experience”, when things are difficult.

I want to say, “No thanks, I’ll skip the lessons.”

Of course I really don’t know what the future-map has in store for me.  Perhaps when I’m forced to handle loss and I have to adjust, compensate, or  screw-up-royally, I’m being prepped to have an easier time of things in the future. 

For me to think in those terms seems a lot easier than telling myself what I’ve gone through was just a waste of time. I don’t need to berate myself for not being smart enough to know better right now. I can see it as prep-school for the future. 


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