Make Waves or Jump Into the Waves is the Question

Rocks Seen From Shore of Lake Superior, Keweenaw. Have you ever felt like you needed to justify something you really wanted? Have reasons for your behavior? I live alone so I answer to almost no one. Yet, I sometimes feel I have to level my thinking out to understand why I’m doing something or why I feel a certain way. It may come from childhood. I had “Big Brother” watching out more, keeping track of me. Being young I needed direction and my choices had consequences. I appreciate the scenes in Pinocchio, when Jiminy Cricket sits on his shoulder being his conscience. It’s a perfect way to describe the feeling of another voice in the head, at the opposite polar end of what I’ve decided to do. “No, I don’t think so!” “Uh-huh...” "What?" The trouble with the conscience is it’s hard to decipher where the voice is coming from. Is it coming from Christian values? Is it coming from fami...