New Attitude

I get so frustrated with stereotypes, prejudices and biases, whatever you want to call them. They get in the way of our progress as a human race. Why is it so crucial to keep things as they are? I think change is stimulating. We strive to improve our physical bodies so we can better perform, why not our mindsets? Thinking the same old way, with the same old theories, the same old stunted beliefs won’t expand the mind. In fact, (well in my opinion) the mind gets stagnated and useless. We can only get out of the computer what is programmed into its system. It seems logical to me the same applies with our minds. We can only get out of our heads what we are willing to put in there. And sometimes we have to extract some useless, antiquated beliefs and misinformation. My mind and my heart usually intertwine. I get into trouble when I try to separate them. Yes, I can stop and think objectively...