My Bike Takes Me for a July Ride
My sweet, kind, portable bicycle. White with baby blue lettering. A water bottle holder and three gears. It begs for some air in the back tire before we take off. Wants to show me the trail and make me exercise all in one. I agree to the adventure, but wear my cushioned bike shorts, just in case. I Love the Coasting! I’m glad to have water. “Why won’t you go into first gear?” I ask (a bit irritated) It stays stubborn until I coax it gently and consistently. Monarch butterflies fly by and with me. Green grasshoppers hop on the trail as it dips and winds beside a mature forest. A doe with her twin fawn shows herself. Cautious. But her golden-orange coat gives her hiding spot away. The two wait for her to cross the road. They think they’re hidden. I wait, but their patience is much more instinctive than mine. Later a rabbit thinks it’s invisible, too. But, it’s in plain sight. Looking like a part of the short grass only not ...