The Body-And-Brain-Bank

Picture of Michigan Apples
(sent to me from my sister, Kathy)

I never considered myself a “Health Nut”.  The term itself I think implies being healthy makes a person crazy or nuts.

I do take my health into consideration every day.  I want to live a quality life if I’m going to live.  Being able to do that takes a lot of thinking ahead.  
  1. food choices
  2. sleep practices
  3. hydration
  4. exercise
  5. stress levels
  6. medical follow-ups
  7. hygiene practices

I don’t believe any of those things I have a strong conviction about make me nuts.  (I have a lot of other issues that make me “Crazy-like”, but I don’t think being healthy is one of them).

Do I follow the list?  Pretty much.  There’s a compromise I have to make sometimes, for all of them, but I keep them in my mind all the time.  

Homemade Yogurt (My daughter, Elizabeth
sent me a picture of her results)

A Recipe From Elizabeth
(She often inspires me to eat healthy) 

I’m not saying being healthy will keep me from having medical issues I’ll have to deal with some day.  My family is high risk for cancer, I live in Michigan where there’s ice and snow, I see a counselor once a week and my body isn’t going to quit aging just because I’m health conscious.

But, staying healthy can give me more substance-in-the-body-and-brain-bank for surviving a disease, a fall, an accident or even an emotional crisis.                           

I’ve been through physical therapy schedules because of accidents, had cortisone treatments, experienced hospital stays, endured shingles, contracted influenza…enough on that.  I’m trying to say what I give back to my body on a daily basis helps me bounce back from any of these set-backs.

I was pleased when I got a text from my son, Holden, a couple of days ago, asking about the YMCA and yoga place.  He knows the body drains, especially during rigorous travel and holidays.  It keeps me thinking along the same lines—keep moving, keep restoring, keep adding to the immunity ability of my body.  This isn’t a time to get low on energy or immunity.  There’s too many place to go and things to do. 

Yesterday I was away from my apartment for most of the day.  I usually carry food and liquids with me when I’m out, but I hadn’t intended the things I had planned to take so long.  I had to grab a “Trek” bar and an orange juice from the Great Harvest Bread Company  It was already two o’clock and I hadn’t eaten anything since early morning.  

I MUST Admit-Coffee is a Part of My Day

I hate to spend money on things like that when I can plan ahead.  Especially if I don’t have options for healthy food choices.  But I was glad there was something besides scones, muffins and pastries when I stopped in to grab something.  

Then there are the times I treat myself because the apple and almonds in my backpack just don’t seem interesting.  I love going to the People’s Food Coop sometimes to get a couple of hard boiled eggs and some cornbread.  Their chicken salad is delicious, too. 

I want to wish my friends, family and readers a happy holiday.  My biggest hope for the new year is for every person to think of others as human beings.  I won’t have to wish for peace if that comes true. 

Years ago someone told me they think of every young person as someone who could possibly be their child.  They think of every older person as someone who could have been their parent.  If we can think of it this way it eliminates thinking of others in terms of their race, color, nationality, gender or religion. 

When I’m compassionate with others I think of how flawed I am.  I think of how lonely I get.  There are times when someone reaches out to me it touches me and I keep moving forward.  It validates all the efforts I make to reach out to others. I know love works.   Neil Young  "Heart of Gold"  

I started this post talking about self-love.  Taking care of ourselves.  It starts there.  

St. Ignace Harbor

Keepers of the Light

The keeper of the lighthouse does not launch any ships, 
it is true, 
but he keeps many a good ship from going to wreck.
The light shines farther than the keeper can see, 
and the brightest when he cannot see at all.  

Two things he has got to remember-
to keep the light burning, 
and never to get in-between the light and the darkness he is set to lighten.   

John T. Faris



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