Plans Shot All to Hell

Adventures are like chasing a moving toboggan when your friend yells, “Jump on!!” Never sure you’ll hit the mark. Laughing at the craziness. Hoping the slippery, footing doesn’t end up in disaster as gravity pulls you toward the wooden sled, when you dive. Hoping, once on, you can keep your feet up so they don’t drag and slow the ride. My daughter, Elizabeth is biking this morning and I’m tracking her on wikiloc. It looks very cold. I can see the snow on the foothills, near where she started out south of Eskisehir. Sabuncu, Kütahya Province (Turkey) I picture her mind going to a nice warm place by a fire, sitting on some big pillows, petting Ellie, and drinking steaming tea. Elizabeth on Ancient Steps Sabuncu, Kütahya Province (Turkey) Ellie, Elizabeth's Companion But, she’s out in the cold making her adventure possible. Her five senses logging in every detail of her trip. In a memory-place ...