A Blue and Maize Adventure With Mom

My Mom has never seen the culture of the U of M Football Games,  in Ann Arbor.
I thought the Saturday she was with me, after Thanksgiving, would be the perfect (of all games, this was was unique) game-culture to see.  

Ohio State University and University of Michigan were beating heads for a victory and it was a huge event.

 Mom and I started our Saturday with a good coffee.  We mad sure we were well dressed for the cold,windy and damp weather.

Colors Not Often Seen Together for This Type of Competition

Six-month Old Hunting Pooch Dressed for the Day

Perhaps Some Scalping of Tickets?

The Young Were Dancing on the Bus Instead of in the Streets

I Never Thought of People Taking a Shortcut on the Railroad Tracks
to the Big House

This Game Was Closely Watched by a Circulating
Helicopter.  (Usually circulating airplanes with Ads)

These People Were Still Going Through
Security When the Game Started

It really didn't matter to Mom and me which team won the game.  There was a high level of energy everywhere.  Many times I would have mom take my arm and we would stick very close to each other.  We saw a few shouting matches about which team was the greatest of all the universe.  We saw many empty red, plastic cups lying discarded.

I Liked the State Police Favoring Blue and Maize!

Someone was Thinking Ahead for the Cold Winds

I've never really gone "Out" among the fans during a big game.  It was an experience for me, too.  I hear the sounds, the bands, the circulating planes, the cheering spectators, but this was unique.

I Wanted to Be Fair to Both Team Colors

One Rich-One Poor
(One checking his cellphone in His Shiny Loafers)
(Another collecting empty can and bottles for money)

Why Do They Have to Spell Things Wrong??


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