Thanksgiving Without Pumpkin Pie

It’s almost midnight, the night before Thanksgiving. I’ve just finished writing three thousand words for my NaNoWriMo Challenge. I’m trying to make up for two days of non-writing. I have plenty of reasons for not writing for two whole days, but none seem as good as they were when I came up with them. I’m sitting here in my made-for-a-short-person chair and I want to write a short post for my blog. Mom just went to bed to read a bit (like she always does) before she turns off the light to sleep. Mom, Checking Facebook While Snuggled on my Couch Mom is visiting me for about ten days. She brought with her (from St. Ignace) a horrendous storm that dropped about ten inches of snow on Ann Arbor. She’ll be spending this Thanksgiving with me. Snowy Day After Mom Arrived by Argus Farms My friend, Ameera, her mom, sister and her niece are coming. And my favorite soprano, Lucy, is also jo...