An Eclipse and a Goodnight

The lunar eclipse tonight is better than all the fireworks I've seen in my lifetime.

At first, when I was watching, the clouds were making the moon look like it was moving instead of them.  I didn't think it was going to be a good sighting of the eclipse.

But, when there was about a quarter of a moon showing, the clouds got lost and it was mostly clear sky except some low clouds, not obscuring the view.

The orangish glow made the moon look squishy. When I saw the all-orange glow I thought of the moon in Maurice Sendack's book "In the Night Kitchen".

As the moon darkened I saw a face.  There's wisdom in the Native American culture about Grandmother Moon.  That was the face I saw.

(Except it was orange, not white)

Good night all who are sleepy and weary-eyed from watching the moon for so long.  (For my cousin, Jim Ryerse)     (Billy Joel)


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