Ah...The Life of a Fairy

I’ve been making small fairy dwellings the past few months.  I got hooked when I found a little log cabin at a re-sale shop.  I thought, “This would be a perfect fairy house!” 

It has a little switch that makes a tiny bulb inside light up.  There’s a small chimney made of little stones, two windows with wooden shutters, and a little porch that the roof covers as it slants down and over, held up by two narrow beams.  

I spent a week of evenings gluing on small pieces of beach-glass and stones to the roof, sides and front porch floor.  Piece by tiny piece I fit and blended until I liked the looks.  It takes patience but I like to create.  Especially things I don’t have to follow a rule of thumb.  I like to start and finish somewhere totally unexpected from where I begin.

Gnome's Little Cave

I think I need to back up in my story, though.  I’ve always loved the thought of fairies existing and had a few imaginary friends as a child. (even an imaginary horse) I use to make places for my baby-dolls to go to bed at night. When I got old enough, my sister, Jeannie, would play with me and help me make things for her Barbies.  Jeannie patiently shared her dolls and ideas. 

An Idyllic Place to Think and Dream

While visiting Jeannie, in Tennessee, two years ago, I found some little fairies to bring home with me to Michigan. I spend a couple of hours in this little store.  http://miniaturecottage.com/shop/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=65

The first fairy dwelling I made was up at my mom’s place, in St. Ignace.  I made one out by her little flower garden and another by the old birch in our backyard.  I even made a little sign that said, “Free GardenTours Daily”.  I left Mom a little fairy to live there with her. She promised to bring it inside when winter came. And she did. Mom’s not lacking in imagination herself.

Now I have various dwellings in my apartment.  I’ve used shells, rocks, driftwood, blocks, old scraps of birchbark, spools, marbles…I have junk that motivates me to create. I’ve designed unique living places for my little elves and gnomes.  

I Named the Coffee Shop "Mighty Good"
(after the cafe Holden worked at in Ann Arbor)
See the Slide?
One has a slide from the door to get out.  One shelter is a tree-house with a little chain ladder to climb up on the side.  Another is like a cave and has long smooth stones as steps to get in.  

The stone covered cabin can only be reached by climbing old pieces of brown chain links with smooth, black, Lake Superior stones mingled along the rings.

I even made a nest for one atop a big piece of driftwood.  I still have to make rope hanging down from it with knots for a ladder.  

Yes, Those Are Small Beach-Bones in There!
The fairies even have a little house with a coffee cafe attached to it.  I’m planning on adding a little fruit and vegetable stand next.  I haven’t decided what to use for the various food I’ll have on the stand.

There's a Little Perch For a Dreamer
(There's a winding staircase to get up there)

I was thinking today about my imaginary fairies.  If they were real what would I want their life to be like?  

Fun would be a priority. Neighbors. Neighbors that share their open places with everyone.  I want them to have private places to be alone and think.  Secluded little places they don’t have to share.  I want them to feel safe in their dwellings with open windows and doors.  I want them to wake up each morning wondering how they can help someone or surprise them with small unexpected treasures. (I’ve always loved the story The Shoemaker and the Elves)

This Elf Is NOT a Good Neighbor!
I want them to live each day as their last day.  A day they are free to roam and play without harm and without harming anyone else.  No phones, computers, or machines.  Maybe a cart with wheels to haul small stones to build or repair, but nothing that can’t be rebuilt easily if destroyed by earthquake, flood, fire or malice.

I want them to take a nap in the afternoon, with or without their eyes closed.  Write in their journals, read, draw and make things for their dwellings and for each other.  I think I’ll have to make a litte campfire for them to sit by when it’s dark. They’ll want to share stories and roast marshmellows and roast corn-on-the-cob.

I want them not to hesitate to ask for help from the gnomes, who live nearby.  And help them in return.  Bartering their time and gifts will be their only currency. They won’t be in need of a leader.  They will all know what is the right time and place for making choices and be responsible for them. I want them to respect each other’s time and space.

The fairies will collect shiny objects and feathers and stones and never be jealous of each other.  

They will dwell among the humans and never judge them for their need of laws and leaders.  Never ridicule them for their pressing desire for more than they need.  Won’t preach to them about their food habits or for them searching for something they can only find in their hearts.  

I wonder if there’s more going on than being creative while I’m making little communities for my fairies to live?  Maybe it’s an attempt to change the world.  A way to control what can’t be controlled.  Or even a way to feel comforted by the easy life of my fairies.  

Or it could be….it’s fun!


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