Practicing Love and Learning to Fly

Fetal position   




Moments we have a reaction of, “Mom? Mommy? Momma?”

The umbilical cord is quite an extension chord.  And when we need help it seems to be there to draw us back.

I think it’s a biological response.  Because mothers desert their children, mothers control their children, mothers die leaving their children motherless.
I think we learn to draw inward to tap into the mothering we were given by a nurturing adult, male or female.  The reserve or fuel we’ve accumulated over the years.  We can use it calm ourselves, stroke our own face, tap into to our courage and ignite power as an individual.  

I’ve know people who were nurtured and given motherly love by their fathers.  I know some who were emotionally raised by their older sister or brother.  Some by adoptive parents.  Some raised by two males or two females as parents.  And, honestly some by their spouse.   It’s all mothering.  

Some women decide not to have children.  Some are unable.  Does this sense of “Mom” become unrealized?  I don’t think so.  We all have the capacity to love in an unconditional way.  The umbilical cord is a symbol of love but it doesn’t constitute a promise of nurturing love.  Women who give birth to children are human not gods.  
Men and woman who do not give birth to children are able to have an umbilical cord tied to another.  

I’ve been working on love.  It probably sounds silly.  “How do you WORK on love?”  It either is or isn’t.  I don’t believe that.  I believe love is work.  It is an active continuum.  It’s not a “falling” or a “being”.   

Being a mother, biologically or other, is hard work.  Being able to love unconditionally is a huge accomplishment.  It’s as much letting go as receiving, a practice in love. 

When we find ourselves in the fetal position, in our panic of fear, our time of anguish, pain and helplessness, we can use our past reserves of being loved to unconditionally love ourselves. It can empower us to receive love from others, give our love or open our arms to let go.  We all have capacity to be a mother and ability to learn to love without conditions. (ourselves and others)

On this national holiday, Mother’s Day, anyone can receive a bouquet of flowers, a box of chocolates or breakfast in bed.  And we all can receive.
Happy Mother’s Day.

Mom....  I love you      I Will Always Love You


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