Here Comes the Sun
Here Comes the Sun (Done by the Beatles)

Spring rain falling, this morning.  Like taking a chilly bath without soap.  I love the cold.  I think I evolved from a Northern Michigan walleye.  But, cold, high humidity and no sun,

weighs heavy on me.

The birds don't seem to mind, so I try to be realistic. They keep moving (whether they're able to be optomistic or not). 

It's the season.  Sinus pressure, wet shoes, achey body, windshield wipers, sunless light and dragging feet. (Mine)

One of the news I check daily, on-line, is BBC Headlines.  I don't have a television and my car radio is dead.   Song with Ernie and Zach

I'm guilty of being clueless to daily news.  I don't have Facebook, either, so I miss a lot of daily happenings with friends and family.  Ichoose to be clueless.  I have less anxiety and can focus better. I'm so depraved I think stopping at the newspaper boxes and reading the headlines is enough. 

This morning I opened up the headlines on BBC, and saw some disturbing truth on racism. It makes me sad. White people who believe they are above the law and morality, is hard to stomach. And it's hard to see many good people who are doing an honest job working for police forces, collectively take the brunt of someone in their ranks making horrible choices. on BBC

Actually, I think we all suffer from racism.  The reality of war waged on ANY group of people is repulsive and ignorant. 

I'll be traveling to Berlin, next month, to be with my son, Holden.  We're going to Thailand so he can have top-surgery.  Holden is Trans*.  He is an amazing young man. He shares his many gifts with those around him.  He's compassionate with people and has no tolerance for bigots. I've learned a lot from him.  It's not okay to allow anyone to be marginalized.   But, learning takes practice.

bigot:  a person who is utterly intolerant of any differing creed, belief, or opinion.

bigotThe bigot is like the pupil of the eye; the more light you put upon it  the more it contracts.

  • I think of my "Stainglass Eyes".  Blurred by past learning.  By years of being sheltered, and not living in a diverse community.  Choosing to be ignornant, when I'm an intelligent person.
  • The eye turns away from the light (truth, reality) and closes itself to humanity. Which is self-defeating, since we are all part of humanity.  It's a web closely weaved  and we can't escape the affects of any part of it being ripped open.  Like our ecological web.  One link is destroyed, one domino falling, ripples to every other part.
  • I'm learning.  I'm intolerant of the intolerant.  But, I work on not just being intolerant of the intolerant,  I'm working on living a life of tolerance. To allowing the light shine on my eyes and not contract the pupil.  Letting the light in will help me use my intelligence to love.  I'm capable of learning and to teaching others. My fear is harmful.  My ignorance injures.


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