Room for Happy

Happiness is keeping my feet off the ground today. I received results from my MRI at the U of M Hospital. Normal. "Normal", they said. No areas to check with biopsy, only a followup in six months. After my appointment for a mammogram two weeks ago I was not exactly confident. I went in for a mammogram. Sat in the waiting room. Returned for a more confining mammorgram. Sat in the waiting room. Went to another room for an ultrasound with a female doctor. After of about 10 minutes of this doctor pushing on my right breast she asked another doctor to come in and check my right breast with the ultrasound. (with a more aggressive pushing and prodding) They said there was some question on the right breast and I told them I already had an MRI schedule for the next week. The doctor said it was very likely they would find something on the MRI. I said, "What do you mean by likely?" She said, "The MRI sees everyth...