My Saturday, Ann Arbor Walk

Saturday in Ann Arbor is unique to me.  I won’t attempt to say it is anyone else’s type of Saturday adventure, but a very satisfying one for me.

This Saturday, before St. Patrick’s Day, the sun was rising nice, by the time I got ready to go out and walk to town. Today, I had my camera.  There were a few signs of spring I wanted document for myself.  And for my readers.  

Some of my readers are from Michigan’s Upper Peninsula.  They wait awhile longer to see spring.  I remember the teasing Mother Nature likes to do, up there.  She dangles the feather just close enough to the cat’s nose and when he jumps for it and she jerks it up!  

Mud. Smells like old coffee grounds sitting too many days on the counter. The texture of quicksand.  Never trust the look of mud and think you can gently tread through it.  It sucks your shoes or boots and penetrates every sewn-in place.  When you try to escape by pulling out, the mud has one last power-play.  It grips at the heel and when it releases, the mud slurps up the back of your pants.  No little “Wet Wipe” is enough to clean up the mess. 

I’m glad I don’t have to worry about having a dog.  They don’t care that the mud is in control, they just want to check out the smells, skip past the little piles of melting snow and mark their territory… in the mud!

Her Name is Honey
(Believe me, it wasn't easy to get her sitting still)

Crocuses?  Yup they’re out, just barely.  One house I passed still has the Christmas wreath on the door.  Maybe they have this oath, “We will NOT take down the wreath until all snow is gone from the yard!”

I’m walking to Kiwanis on First Street, in Ann Arbor. I see several people leaving with plastic bags of goodies.  (Some of them might actually be returning to their car, after visiting the Saturday Farmer’s Market in Kerrytown) 

It’s a weird sensation to hear myself think, “Hope they didn’t find anything I wanted!”  It’s a scavengers obsession to beseige the territory and claim it as their own. (I guess, I can only speak for myself) 

Once I get control of my need to dominate all, in Kiwanis, I remember I have my own special spots I visit and they aren’t the most popular. 

The Record Section
(I'm told VERY popular at opening-9a.m.)
The language section is right inside the entrance. STOP.  

Then I meander down a long row of books, eyeing the small-size books. STOP.  Sometimes a title or a texture of the binding, stops me, like a child in an icecream shop. I have to see them all before I choose.  

I wiggle-waggle my way back to the travel section. STOP.  Not necessarily to buy a book.  I like to dream about traveling to obscure places.  Some places, I’m ashamed to say, I have no idea what continent they’re even on.

There’s a humor section near the records. STOP.  I get a few laughs in the humor section. I was happy to find a Schultz book, “Born Crabby”. Lucy defines what crabby means to unfortunate friends.

There’s a small area with good Cds. STOP.  Today I found Ray Charles Greatest Hits and Windham Hill, 25 Years of Guitar Selections.

A Mish-Mash of Kitchen Stuff

Smart Marketing

This is a Spot I Usually Scan

I made myself blindly walk past the clothes today.  It takes me more than an hour to go through clothes, whether I need them or not.  I’m easily distracted by colors, textures and fabric-feel. My creative side starts spinning with “Ideas”. 

Downstairs to the tool section in the basement. STOP.  Peruse, peruse, peruse. 

Add caption

Sweet Erin Let me Take a Picture
(Yes, I bought some bookends, here)
I don’t think I’ve ever left Kiwanis without buying something to lug with me in my backpack.  

Lonny is often outside the entrance of Kiwanis.  Rain, sub-zero cold, sun and wind.  He always has a smile on his face and is fun to chat with.  He obliged me by letting me take his picture.  He reminds me of the coupon for People’s Food Co-op, as he hands me a newspaper. 

I caught construction workers in action, on a building on the most direct walking route to Mighty Good Cafe.  The gigantic arm of the thing-a-ma-gig was lifting huge slabs on concrete. Who wouldn’t smile to see this?  

A Job For Only the Careful
(I watched these guys spend about 15 min. securing the slab to the cables)

A Beautiful Sight!

Huge cement slabs lifted into the air, to the flat roof of a building. I look for the captain of the ship, calling the shots and I find a man sitting in a cute, window-encased cab.  I think to myself, “I REALLY want that job!”  No sqeaks or metal-wretching sounds.  Smooth sailing. 

The Job I Want In Small, White, Glass-Encased  Cab
(I couldn't get a good picture of the cab because I wasn't suppose to be in that area and didn't stay long

I feel lucky if Maggie is at Mighty Good, when I get there. (I get a good hug) I take off my heavy backpack, sit and write at the counter, while I sip on my mocha.  A mocha anyplace other than Mighty Good is not good. Mighty Good uses real chocolate milk!  None of that syrup crap.  I get a special, white swirl of a heart on top. 

Next stop - Kaleidoscope Books, on Fourth Street.  I’ve been organizing books lately, for Jeff, the owner.  Immersed in all the old books, magazines, records, and postcards makes me happy.  Especially knowing I’m relieving a bit of stress from Jeff.  His wife has been ill. 

I’m familiar with the ups and downs of worrying about a loved one. Each day felt like I was sinking down into the deep, dark water.  Once in awhile I could make my way to the surface, take a deep breath before I was plunged down again.  

Jeff looks like he needs a good nap or one good night's sleep.  Today a friends of his, Steve, stopped by to practice a song with Jeff.  He had a beautiful old Martin guitar he let me try out.  Ahhhhh, heaven.

Kaleidoscope Books - Fourth Street
Saturday in Ann Arbor is what I make of it.  By the time I walk home, I’m content.  

Ask someone else about their Saturday in Ann Arbor?  I hope it resonates as something meaningful.  Looking for the best food?  Best study spot?  Best beer joint?  Best sport event?  A visit to the Hands-On Museum with the kids? Or maybe even a search for the hidden fairy doors in the city.  


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