Battle With Routines
The "Bob Tree" Dropping Leaves There’s something to say about routine. I watch the birch, the maple, and the burning bush unfold their fall fashion. Right on time. Who knows? Maybe this is their favorite time of the yearly cycle. During the summer each leaf on each branch works every sunlit hour to make food. Fall comes and it’s a rest time. Truckey Street Maple in Bloom The monarchs flit around, leaving St. Ignace, right on time. The geese magically forming a V to fly south. The dew heavier as each day goes by. It doesn't need to be a surprise it will soon turn to ice. It’s routine. Autumn Leaves on the Pavement The St. Ignace Boarwalk When the sunlight cycle gradually becomes shorter, I start to fight the change in the season. I resist the inevitable. I rarely focus on the weather as intently as I do when fall is about to merge into winter. ...