More Is More

I understand, but dislike the statement, "Less is More”.  So, I decided I to write about "More is more”.  

More is more.  More peace I have, more balance for me.  More exercise, more benefits to my health.  More sleep, more adept I am at handling daily situations.  The more I read, the more I find time to read.

Saying the "More” thing I realize it's also easy to say, "More is less”.  The more I floss, the less I have to go to the dentist.  When I explore more, the less I think I’m missing something. If I pay more for fresh food, the less I’m likely to throw it in the garbage.

How about less is less?  The less we drive over the speed limit, the less likely we are to get a traffic ticket.   The less I worry, the less surprised I am when my worries are pointless.  The less I develop my gifts or dreams,  the less satisfied I’ll be by not honoring them. 

The less I buy at Home Depot, the less I’ll feel guilt about unfinished the projects.  Same goes for crafts.  The less I buy at a craft store, the less guilt I’ll feel for not using the materials staring me in the eye.

Since I don’t want to discuss, "Less is More”, I’ll try another angle.  More is not more.  More children you have doesn’t mean more time for yourself.  If you read more about dieting it doesn’t mean more of the stinkin’ information sinks in.   When we make more money, it doesn’t mean we save more.  

And, more of the intense energy we spend trying to make summer last, doesn’t mean there will be more than three months.

Summer 2013 on Brevort Lake

Now I'm distracted.  I want to write about summer.

I’ve enjoyed the windows open at night, lately.  The cooler breeze comes across my bedroom and makes me feel dreamy.  I try to imagine I’m in a loft, as a young girl, at Mary Margaret Rhode’s cabin, on Lake Michigan.  It’s night and I can hear the waves crashing on the shore.  I try to imagine what they look like in the dark. I imagine seeing the white of the waves as they crash.  I hear the wind against the wooden walls of the loft. I wonder if anyone else is awake, listening to the night.

I put extreme expectations on summers.  I want them to start in April, if possible. I want to say, "It feels like summer”, much earlier than June.   I don’t want mosquitoes, bees, ants, or any bugs,bugging me.  It’s summer, it’s above irritating critters.

Mayfly Bugging Me!

I want it to rain twice a week, a warm gentle rain.  I want less traffic heading north on Fridays and less returning, Sundays.  I want dusk to come at 9:30 p.m. all summer long, not just for awhile. I want Lake Huron to be just cold enough for me to tolerate it and to be too cold for any other human being.  

I want family reunions to be in November, so the menu is already set!  Turkey, potatoes,….. (of course the roads would be snowless, iceless and no construction going on)
Family Reunion 2013 (a small part of the clan)
I need summer to be full of fresh Michigan tomatoes, peaches, cherries, melons and veggies harvested in June, so they can be enjoyed all summer, and can be eaten outside, in the shade.

Summer Shadows on Baby Legs
I want to go to every festival in Michigan, just to see if each one is different.  I especially want to go to all the festivals with exceptional Blue Grass music, so I can enjoy it while I eat corn-on-the-cob sitting on a old weathered gray bench. (the juice from the melting butter dripping between me open legs, on the ground in front of me,)

I want time to slow down, just for summer.  But, then more summer would mean more.  I’d want fall, winter and spring even more. 

More is more.  Enjoy the rest of your summer.  And maybe we'll get an Indian Summer to make it seem longer.


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