Adventure at WCBN!

I listen to the “Bill Monroe For Breakfast” quite religiously on Saturday mornings, on WCBN.  Tex Manheim, (his real name is Jim), does this show and features Bluegrass music.  He’s knowledgeable and plays Bluegrass genre in depth.  

Tex, Multi-tasking during his "Bill Monroe Show"
I thought his name was Bill (because of the name of the show).  That’s how little I know about Bluegrass.  But, Tex never acts like he’s above any ignorant person.  He takes requests by phone or e-mail and talks about the composers, artists and even adds current Bluegrass composers and musicians to his show.  I’ve learned quite a bit by listening in.  There’s never a dull moment.

Stacks of CDs and Vinyls
I’ve had a special love for Bluegrass, for years.  It always makes me want to tap my feet, clap and move.  But, I know so little about it. One of the reasons I moved to Ann Arbor was my hope to be in a Bluegrass band.  I want to sing and play with others who love music.  I love to harmonize and it seems like I’ve been a solo singer forever.  I want to share music and learn from other musicians who share this love.  Ann Arbor has the arts and classical music venues, too, which I enjoy.  The Detroit Metro Airport is very close for me to hop a plane whenever I want.  I like living close to the downtown area.  I can walk and let my car sit. 

Tex gave me a chance to talk about all these things, on his radio show, when he interviewed me.  He invited me to come into the station and sing a couple of songs and talk about wanting a “Bluegrass Jam” in Ann Arbor.  In his interview, with me, I told him how frustrating it was to have to go all the way to Lansing, for a Bluegrass jam.   We also talked about the similarities between Bluegrass and Irish music, another love of mine.  In fact, the first song I sang was an Irish song, “Molly Malone”. 

My Friends-Guitar and Backpack

Me!  Singing over the waves of radio.  I’d been excited all week.  This was a first for me.  I was really smiling, as I called Tex at the station, to beam me in to the Student Activities Building at U of M.  Tex made me feel at home.  Heidi was a D.J. at WCBN, in the past, so I was familiar with the surroundings.  Both of these things helped me feel relaxed.

Tex, Preparing the records for the Next Songs

WCBN Doodle Art

This is the Phone That Takes Requests

Will I be in a Bluegrass band?  Who knows.  The adventure is in the journey.  I’ll keep singing, listening, learning and asking for help.  I find it fascinating that it was “Tex” who helped give a shout-out for a Bluegrass jam, here in Ann Arbor.  I vividly remember playing in a jam session, in St. Ignace, when I was a teenager.  Tex Hamel was a big influence on my desire to progress in music, at the time.  I remember him and Gary Sorenson in the group.  I’d go home after our session and practice and practice what I learned. Strange for both to be named “Tex”.

I photographed Tex, while I was in the station.  He does the “Down Home Show” following his Bluegrass show.  I plan on making a book for him with pictures of him working his shows.  He’s been a D.J. at WCBN for 25 years.  I’ve included a few pictures of him at work. 

Each Record and CD Carefully Returned to its Sleeve

Taking a Request
(A Man had just lost his grandfather and requested a song his grandfather loved)  Tex’s show and some history of WCBN  You can stream, live at this site.  It also gives the schedules for other shows at WCBN

Bill Monroe:  The bluegrass giant, I’d never heard of before.


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