Why Did You Bring Michigan Weather to Tennessee?

No matter where I travel, the same stages apply. The preparation, the anticipation, the timing. Then... bang, everything stops and I wait. Waiting is hard after all the anticipation. I’ve tried to skip the anticipation stage. When it comes to seeing my sweet sister, in Tennessee, it’s impossible. I only have to go from Detroit to Nashville, but it seems like an endless production. Early check-in on the computer. Checking on reservation for shuttle to the airport. Taking things out of luggage, I don’t have to have, after I realize it’s MUCH too heavy. Last minute check on the weather. Putting plants out, for neighbor to water. Hauling my guitar, one large luggage and a heavy backpack to sidewalk to wait for the shuttle. Kiosk Ready for Printing Tickets Shuttling to the airport. Printing my ticket at the kiosk. Paying for checked bag. Tagging guitar and luggage. Holding on my sanity through security ...