Unrest in Ukraine

In Center of Kiev
(See the Snow!)

I turned on the radio yesterday, and heard frustrating news coming from Ukraine.  Kiev is in turmoil and it haunts me to think it is in trouble and the people are suffering from unrest.
Cemetery in Lviv
(This picture reminds me of the current deaths in Ukraine)

A young, Olympic athlete was interviewed and was shaken by the events taking place in her country.   She told the reporter about her ending her competition in the olympics and about her  her departure for her homeland.  Her father is her coach and they both are returning as soon as they can, to be with family.  The link below will give one account of this incredible young woman.

Beautiful Old Buildings

Cathedral Of St. Sophia, Kiev, Ukraine

I've been to Ukraine.  The events happening now, seem real to me.  Before I traveled there, the news would have not affected me in the same way.   But now, when I hear about this small country, my ears perk up and my mind pictures Kiev.

Streets of Kiev

I walked the streets of Kiev, enjoyed the people, the markets, holiday celebrations, and the food.  The culture is rich and the setting is beautiful.  I hope this unrest is shortlived and the people can get back to their daily routines and lives.
Elizabeth's Apartment Window Ledge
(ah....the pomegranates)

One of Our "Fancier" Meals in Lviv

Violence in any country, wrenches at my heart.  But, the countries I’ve spent time in, especially.  My Ukraine trip was the first trip I took after Harry, my husband, died.  My daughters and I agreed to meet in Kiev for our first Christmas without him.  Elizabeth was living there, at the time, doing research under the Fulbright Scholarship, and Heidi and I traveled together from Detroit to meet her there for the holidays.

Elizabeth and Heidi in Ukraine

Spending time there, will be a lasting memory.  We spent time in Kiev and in the older city, Lviv.  Elizabeth organized our travel, our hotels and our excursions.  It was outstanding.  Her confidence in travel, the culture and the sites to visit made each adventure fun.  I’d like to share some of my favorite pictures of our time together.  

Elizabeth Speaking Russian For Us at a Kiosk

Beautiful Christmas Tree in the Center of Kiev

Chufut Kale Cave Settlement

Elizabeth Taking Pictures

Heidi Inside Old Structure at Chufut Kale
(Ancient cave settlement in Ukraine)
Elizabeth at Chufut Kale 

Statue on Side of a Building in Ukraine

Heidi at Shore of Black Sea

Harry Appeared at Sevastopol
With His Hands Behind His Back
(I took a picture,
 because I didn't think anyone would believe me)


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