Sink or Float?

I’m working on my own “Laws”.   “Rules” to live by.  It isn’t easy.  There’s a lot of muck to sift through.  The muck is thick and has been settling during my lifetime. 

I don’t know how to sift through it.  I think a sieve would help.  Important rules will stay in the sieve and the others will fall through the holes. 

I think a scale would help.  I could set a minimum and a maximum size and ditch any laws that don’t fit in-between.

Or, a “Throw-it-in-the-deep-water” test.  If it sinks, it’s gone.  If it floats, it’s worth considering as a law to keep as my own.

I like the idea of measuring the laws I’m weighted down by.  It could be a scale of reality.  After I list the laws I’ve learned over my life-time, I could set them down on the scale and see the weight of reality they measure.  If they’re too heavy for me,  If they weigh me down, immobilize me from being content, adventurous, creative, imperfect, loving, compassionate, accepting, forgiving and worthy of happiness, they’ll have to be eliminated.

I’m expecting some of these “Rules” will be difficult to discard.  They’ll be teetering on the line. I won’t be able to decide.  If I keep that in mind, I’ll be able to see all this sifting and sorting as a process, not a done-deal.   Never will I be finished.  

I’m anticipating some of these “Rules” will be deeply rooted in me.  My stain-glass-eyes will have trouble seeing the reality of change.  Bit by bit, I would like to step from behind the distortion and see clearly.

It’s work.  But, I’m willing to put in the work, to get the satisfaction of living.  Defining my life with new terms.  Being true to my own self, is something worth the struggle.  

MAGGIE’S LAWS:  (Some may self-destruct, if they become hazardous to my well-being)                                                        (These are not to be judged, ordered in importance, or chuckled about)

Obsessions are Not Passions

Apparent Disorder Can  be Order 

My Time Won’t Be Control By Phone or Computer

Not Everyone Will Love, Appreciate, Need, Want or Even Like Me

Love is Thicker Than Blood

Being Busy Doesn’t Make Me Worthy

I’m Good Enough. This Moment, This Day, This Lifetime

I Don’t Have to Prove My Spirituality

Saying, “No”, Doesn’t Make Me Unloveable

Judging Myself Hurts Everyone and is Poisonous to My Growth

Imperfection is a Gift

Being Vulnerable Goes With Living With a Loving Heart

Feelings Are a Part of Me, Not the Engine That Runs Me

Fear is a Part of Me, But Need Not Immobilize Me

Silence is Louder Than the Truth

(Listing is an Obsession?  No judgement from me)

Wall in Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp
Brandenburg, Germany


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