Spotlight Guru

The Instrument of Lighting 
Astonished as I was, I was given the responsibility to control the spotlight, the last two nights.  I asked if I could help with anything for a concert on January 17th and 18th.  The Out Loud Chorus does two productions a year.  I've been out of the country, twice, since September, and wasn't able to fully commit to joining the chorus.  I've been going to as many rehearsals, as possible, but knew I wouldn't be ready to perform with them.

They memorize all the material for their concert.  It's quite an accomplishment.  I've been impressed by the talent.  There are about thirty-plus members and the rehearsals are two hours long once a week.  Sections in the chorus take turns providing a snack for the break in the middle of rehearsal, each week.

The Director has a Chef's Hat on!
The Out Loud Chorus is a mixed LGBTA choir that meets and performs in Washtenaw County.  This means there are a chorus of men and woman.  Many who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual or trans gender, and includes straight supporters who love to sing and have an open mind.  The commitment is to their music and to makin their performances entertaining and fun, for the audience.  They also educate the general public about choral music.  And by their performances, they help reduce bigotry and discrimination against the gay community.

Before the Curtain Opens to
Dinner and a Movie
My daughter, Heidi, encouraged me to join this group, when I told her I wanted to support the gay community in Ann Arbor.  I'm glad I did.  The people in the choir have accepted me, as a straight supporter, from the moment I arrived to sign up.  I was late joining, but they allowed me to come to practices and participate, anyway.  

The Director.
(No trouble having all-eyes-on-him,
no books or sheet-music)
Paul Haebig, the director, warms up our voices like no other choir director I've worked with.  He works the choir hard, but makes sure it's fun and everyone is involved and heard.  The break, after an hour practice, gives me a chance to talk to everyone and get to know them.  

The program was entitled, "Dinner and a Movie".  It was presented at the Washtenaw Community College in the Townsley Auditorium.  

Young Girl Watching the Show
I admit, I was a little nervous about doing the lighting.  I actually thought I'd be screwing up the first night. I figured I'd compensate from my failings and be able to do a great job on Saturday night.  

Dressed for the "Movie" Part of the Program

I found out, after I was shown the spotlight, I didn't need to worry.  The spotlight was much like the one I used when I produced children's, music programs, when teaching in Atlanta.  It was more modern, but had basically the same levers.  

Red Slippers for "Somewhere Over the Rainbow"
I felt pretty big-headed.  I was doing an important job and I had experience.  I wasn't going to let the choir down.  It was especially important on Saturday night.  They had three separate video recordings being done on Saturday evening.  I followed my notes and added spotlight, in needed areas, (some not even on the list).  Saying that last sentence  proves it.  I did get a big head.  

Movement, Song and Enthusiasm

They performed 24 songs.  From "Shoo Fly Pie" to "Nine to Five."  Some were solos, ensembles and duets in the mix.  I enjoyed being there as much, on the second night, as the first.  They dressed for the "Dinner" section of the program.  After the intermission, they returned dressed for the "Movie" theme.

You'll see the joy of music on the faces in the pictures I shot.  The sound portrayed their preparation and joy, too.

The Pianist, Anne Jeng
(Completing her masters, in Piano Performance, at U of M)

A Young Family, During Intermission

Dancing to "The Time Warp"

Tamara Perkuhn on Drums
Edie Herrold on Bass
(Both Professional Musicians)

The next Out Loud Chorus concert will be May 16th and 17th.  I'm ready for the challenge.  What will they ever do without me as the Lighting Guru?


  1. Great job, Maggie! I also started singing with the chorus in the fall but then had to drop out... so I was back helping with the silent auction and ushering! I echo your sentiment that the concert was a huge accomplishment, and I enjoyed Saturday night as much as Friday. OLC, you rock!!!

    1. Thanks for the praise. It's nice when people drop-out and the chorus sees it as an on-going process and accepts the coming and going. It's a great group of people. And FUN!


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