Less Risk

Way too much
on your plate?
Do you remember,
last time you ate?

Suckled the juices
from the bone?
Took the time 
to sit alone?

Is this your third 
or fourth course meal?
Will that assure
a successful deal?

Push the food 
to the edges near.
One more spoonful? 
Drop it here.

Why not start 
with a smaller disk?
It will hold less
and have less risk.

Your stress will decrease
and help you measure.
What's important 
and what you treasure.

Not the most 
or not the biggest,
Nobody really 
gives a figgest.

"Who Gives a Fig?"

Whether your plate 
is heaped up high,
but if you'll be content 
on the day you die.

Graveyard in Ireland


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