Absolutes Are For Superheroes

Worry, tension, 
closed up heart.
Unnecessary judgements     
from the start.

Stories spinning 
'round my mind.
Unrealistic values 
of the "Cronan" kind.

Be perfect, be careful, 
be noteworthy and true,
Emotional pressure 
can bury the "You".

Look both ways, 
suspicious "In case.."
Mutating and giving 
two sides to your face.

One side for showing,           
Pow-Wow in Traverse City
in public view.
One side repressing, 
the viable you.

I'll come off my tightrope 
now walk with ease.
To learn I need only 
myself to please.

My own list of rules 
with perimeters wide.
Freedom to tweak 
when they start to slide.

The gray area more often 
colors my laws.
Proving life's rules 
are chock-full of flaws.

A list of "Truths" 
I've lived by so far,
I'll unlock and open, 
leave them ajar.

Absolutes I can 
suffocate as "Lies".                        
Certainty in life 
just isn't wise.

Where is my list? 
You're curious, you say?
Still working on it, 
in my own, slow way.


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