We May be Altered in Ways We Never Imagined

Waking up to the sun this morning, was wonderful. My stain glass window captured this natural beauty, through my big, living room, window.  Terry Deselms, my brother-in-law, helped me design, plan and put together this piece of art. Truthfully, he let me help.  His experience in creating art, lead the way. 

Every day I look at this art, it's beauty gives me peace and it surprises me that it can.  How is it possible for something to give me a feeling of peace when I look at it? 

I know it brings out a healthy emotion, a reaction to its beauty.  (The colors mixed with natural light is remarkable). But, they can't talk, hold my hand, respond to me, and still they invoke something in me that gives me pleasure.  A tone, an emotion.  Art is powerful medicine.

This made me think about other art pieces, I keep around.  What binds me to them?  I'm not sure why, but I do know they move me in different ways.

I went to a concert today at Hill Auditorium.  For two and a half hours, I felt like I escaped from this world.  I was living in the music and the movements, in each Bach piece, Apollo's Fire performed.  It was weird to observe it happen, especially on the same day I had already started writing about what art does for me.

So, why aren't our artists and musicians putting food on their tables? The woodcarvers, the weavers, the glass blowers, the painters, the sculptors, the writers, why do they have to struggle?  The dancers, the landscape designers?  I would even have to say chefs who create aromas and flavors that can make us close our eyes in ecstasy.

The only reason I can imagine why we don't put a high value on art, is that it's so personal.  The art I value, may not be another person's idea of art at all.  In so many art forms this is true.  The other reason, I think we don't put a value on it, is because it's priceless.  There is no price tag for the personal gift I received today from the performance I attended.  

Art forms can be life-transforming for one person and for another person it may not even get them to turn their head. 

If we want to be conscious of the artists and art in our world, we can take notice.  We can take time to let it make us smile.  We can allow art to make us suck in a slow breath, cause us to take a rejuvenating sigh, or even give us a lump in our throat.

We can keep an open mind, save our quick judgement and experience art for what it is.  It won't always seep in as pleasure.  It may cause anger, fear or sadness.  But, if it changes us or makes us think in different ways, it's a gift.  

Our open mind to art could possibly encourage more artists to create.  Give them more confidence creating and sharing their gifts.  If we allow ourselves to take time to notice.  If we stop to observe and receive art, we might be altered in ways we never imagined possible.


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