My First Time at a Chili Cook-Off

It's cold and wintery.  Good thing there are things that keep me distracted from the shorter daylight time and the chilling cold.  

A big distraction for me is whether I'm ready to be outside, or whether I'll need to run back into the apartment to get an extra layer of clothes (and gloves).  It always seems to look so nice and beautiful from my third floor window.

It's been my first experience being invited to a "Chili Cook-Off".  This distraction did me good.  I dug out my crockpot and made a big pot of chili.  I chopped and sautéd onions, celery and carrots.  I opened several cans of tomatoes and beans.  I browned some good looking beef and turkey burger.  I can't name all the ingredients, it would be divulging too much.   Of course I did add chili powder, that's no secret.   

My niece, Sarah, invited me to her family's party.  I felt honored to be asked and wouldn't have missed it.  But, I could never have predicted what went on at a "Chili Cook-Off".  Some of my lame predictions were:
  • Not many people will bring chili, they'll bring other party things.
  • I won't know most of the people and won't stay long.
  • It will be mostly adults. 
  • There will probably a way to judge the chili and vote.

Well, like most predictions, they're not necessary.  If I'm going to take the time to go to a party, I should let it be what it is, not what I decide it will be.  

Parents and Children Were All Working Together

The minute I drove up to Shane and Sarah's house, I knew this was going to be different.  There were several cars parked along the road and in the driveway.  People were inside, outside and on the sidewalk, visiting with each other.  Before I reached the front door, a mom and dad, with two boys, introduced themselves to me.  Good thing I didn't get a lottery ticket!  My predictions failed poorly.

  • The counter and stove was full of crockpots and pans of chili. AND many other delicious dishes.
  • Most of the people introduced themselves and made me feel at home.
  • There were kids everywhere, from 3 months to 18 years old.
  • There was no prizes, judging or voting on the chili.

Olivia's Daddy hands Olivia the Top
(He carved one with her favorite book)

Sarah, Cutting, as Olivia Watches

What I didn't predict is the delicious apples growing on Sarah and Shane's backyard tree.  Everyone was encouraged to pick and eat.  They also had several pumpkins in the yard and garage to choose and carve.  In one room they had the big-screen t.v. showing the U of M and MSU football game.

(I didn't see anyone just sitting and watching it, they were with families and friends, socializing).

Olivia, Looking at What Came Out of the Pumpkins

As you can see by the pictures, I learned the most from my great-niece, Olivia.  She went from room to room, outside, in the garage, in the front yard and back again.  She didn't miss anything.  She saw from a child's eyes.  No predictions.  Just living things as they are.

 Beautiful Sweetheart.


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